
The need to find a way to feel good and to be happy has increased. Qigong can be one way, says Sonja Borenius-Klintberg who teaches Qigong in Åland.

Zhineng Qigong can be a way to improve your health.

Qigong is an old training art from China which aims to improve health. People in any age can practice. In Åland about 40 people practice in the training group. The more people practicing together the better the results will be. There is also research showing that Qigong can have good effects. Sonja says in the article that she think that Qigong is getting popular due to the fact that many people in the society don't feel very good. Qigong can be a way to improve your health. Sonja says that she is more energetic now compared to when she started to practice even though she is 11 years older now.