Radio Vega Åboland: Åsa Slotte and Jeanette Heidenberg

Åsa Slotte and Jeanette Heidenberg talk about their experience of Zhineng Qigong in Radio Vega Åboland.

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Qigong helped Ellen living with MS

Ellen i Allas liten"I got out of the wheelchair and walked!" – That is how the article (in Swedish) on Ellen J Weist in the magazine Allas No 34/2015 starts. Now you can read the translation here. Many people have read it and become strongly affected by her story of the struggle to live a healthier life, despite her illness. And that she became a mother. Many also have inspired themselves try to improve their situation and contacted us with the desire to take a course. Here is our Course schedule, here you can find the course nearest you.

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Åbo Underrättelse: "Qigong for body and mind"

Results from qigong training in ÅboMarch 27, 2008, the paper "Åbo Underrättelse" writes an article about Zhineng Qigong and about some of the members of the training group in Åbo. Here follows a summary.

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Eco Echo: Flo Maitland arranges courses in England in Zhineng Qigong.

Zhineng qigong in EnglandRead a summary from the English paper "Eco Echo", October 2007. The article is about Flo Maitland and her personal experiences of Zhineng Qigong.

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Nya Lidköpings Tidning – A soft, slow week

Migraine disappeared after practicing Zhineng QigongThe teacher Fatima Ringvall, together with some participants relate their experiences from the summer course in Kvänum to the paper "Nya Lidköpings tidning" July 13, 2007. Here you can read a summary from the article.

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Severe migraine disappeared after practicing Zhineng QigongQigong cured Camilla's severe migraine. In the November edition, 2007, the paper "Topphälsan" has an article about Camilla who recovered from migraine and depression by practicing Zhineng Qigong. Here you can read a summary from the article.

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Året Runt: "Qigong saved my life"

Elsie tells about Zhineng qigong summer courseIn the paper "Året Runt", number 34, 2008, there's an article about Elsie, one of our students who got good results from the training. Here you can read a summary from the article.

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Hemmets Veckotidning: Karins eczema disappeared after 25 years

Hemmets veckotidning: Karins eczema disappeared after 25 yearsIn the Swedish magazine "Hemmets Veckotidning", number 8, 2010, there's an article about Karin Ask, one of our participants. Here you can read a summary.

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Lunds lokaltidning: "Try a Qigong course"

Zhineng qigong Lecture in LundHere you can read a summary from an article about Zhineng Qigong, published in the local paper in Lund, October 31, 2007.

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Musikern: "Zhineng Qigong improves musicians' health"

A musicians experience of Zhineng QigongIn the December edition, 2007, of the paper "Musikern", Johannes Nordgaard tells us about his experiences from Zhineng Qigong. Here you can read a summary from the article.

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Nybro Tidning: "Chinese self training for body and mind."

Nybro qigong training group reportIn "Nybro tidning," February 8-14, 2008, there's an article about the training group in Nybro. Here you can read a summary.

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Radio Vega: Talking about life, Sep 30 2011, Agneta Aspelin

In Radio Vega's interview series, Talks about life, Agneta Aspelin talks about what Zhineng Qigong has meant for her.

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Aftonbladet's Sunday supplement: "Practice body and mind with Qigong"

Aftonbladet reporter participates in qigong training in KvänumAgneta Elmegård, reporter at Aftonbladet's Sunday supplement visited the summer course in Kvänum, 2008. August 3 we can read her article. Here follows a summary.

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Icakuriren, nr 48, 2007

Both parents and children practice Zhineng QigongIn "Icakuriren", number 48, November 26, 2007, there is an article about Emilia 9 years, Maya 7 years, and their parents Lars and Ulrika, a family from Gothenburg that practice Zhineng Qigong. This summer they all participated in all 18 days of the summer course. Here you can read a summary from the article.

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Österbottniska Posten: "Oigong in Österbotten"

Qigong in Österbotten FinlandIn the February edition, 2008, Österbottniska Posten writes an article about the Zhineng Qigong training in Vasa. Here you can read a summary from the article.

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Zhineng Qigong in Jönköping"Qigong – an inner journey to harmony" read how a basic course was experienced by the participants.

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Skaraborgs Läns Tidning – Qigong for the forth time in Kvänum.

Both young and old participants at Zhineng Qigong summer courseRead a summary from "Skaraborgs Läns tidning", July 13, 2007, about the summer course in Kvänum.

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Qigong course in Gothenburg 25 sep 2000Qigong - precision all the way to your finger tips. In the article there is an interview with Su Dongyue, Qigong master and leader of European Zhineng Qigong Center.

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Uppsala Nya Tidning

"Uppsala Nya Tidning" writes about Zhineng Qigong.

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Skaraborg läns tidning: "Qigong created a buffer"

Borelia handled by Zhineng qigong trainingIn "Skaraborgs Läns tidning" July 5, 2008, there´s an article about Gunilla Frisk. Zhineng Qigong has helped her to handle effects from borrelia. Here you can read a summary from the article.

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