Hälsingekuriren, "This is Qigong"

Zhineng qigong, a way to improve the health from your own conditionThis is Qigong. European Zhineng Qigong Center arranged a lecture at "Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan" in Söderhamn. Here you can read a summary from the article in Hälsingekuriren.

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Stockholm News

zhineng qigong can change life situation for patients with cronic diseasesIn the winter of 2000 a training project took place in Stockholm with, for instance, participants with severe asthma and migraine. The paper Stockholms News paid attention to the project with a big article with the unusual headline "The door to the Chinese workshop". In the article there's an explanation about Qigong and what results you can get from training, for instance, a calm mind and more Qi (life energy).

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Må Bra december 2005, "Relief from asthma & allergy "

Relief from Asthma and allergy by training Zhineng qigongAsthma and allergy released with modern Qigong training. The paper "Må Bra" has written an article about Maria Sandell. Her asthma and allergy is better due to Zhineng Qigong. Here you can read a summary.

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Nya Åland, "Qigong helped Jeanette to get new energy"

stressful work, risk of burn out practíce Zhineng qigongThanks to Qigong training Jeanette got new energy. Here you can read a summery about the Qigong-training in Mariehamn and the help Jeanette got against being sick listed.

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"Relaxation for the whole body", Ljusnan

Zhineng Qigong Winter course in BollnäsFor the fifth consecutive year a seven day course in Qigong took place in Bollnäs. Here you can read a summary from an article in the paper Ljusnan.

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"Listen to your body", Smålänningen

high blood pressure reduced practicing Zhineng QigongRead a summary from an interview with Elsie Helgotsson, the contact person in Ljungby.

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Mentora, 2 2005, "Soft and lite with Qigong"

Calm andd relaxed with Zhineng qigongSoft and lithe with Qigong. "Svenska Studiecentralens" paper," Mentora", wrote an article about a lecture at "Studiecentralen". Here you can read a summary from the article.

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Newsletter December 2004

Newsletter december 2004Download our newsletter from december 2004.

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Amazonbladet 2003:1

Zhineng qigong soft movements strengthen the whole bodySummary of article in "Amazonbladet", the breast cancer association paper in Stockholm county. It tells about Zhineng Qigong and the positive effects the training can have on people's life quality. You can also read about Su Dongyue and his research in Zhineng Qigong.

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Dalslänningen, "Qigong spreading in Dalsland"

get happier and healthier with zhineng qigongQigong is spreading in Dalsland. Read a summary about Agneta and Per-Olov arranging the first course in Dals Långed.

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Länssvalan 2001

Both migraine and asthma patients participated in the project using Zhineng QigongTwo out of three takes less medicine after practicing Zhineng Qigong. Read more about the experiences asthmatics have done from practicing Zhineng Qigong. Here is a summary from the paper "Länssvalan".

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Migraine association members practice Zhineng QigongBellow follows a summary from an article and an interview with Marie Lundberg, the chairperson of the migraine association in Stockholm County, before a project with Zhineng Qigong autumn 2000.

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Östran – Movements that give you more life energy

Here you read a summary from an article in "Östran", September 4, 2000. It's about a course in Zhineng Qigong in Kristvallabrunn.

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