Smålänningen - Qigong calms and gives energy

severe pain in the face from a tooth surgery disappeared after Zhineng Qigong trainingQigong has been practiced in Ljungby for a couple of years. Here you can read a summary from an article in "Smålänningen" about the basic course in Hold Qi Up this autumn.

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Nya Lidköpings tidning: "Courses in Qigong for body and mind"

From a qigong lecture at a summer course in KvänumNya Lidköpings tidning writes in June 25, 2008, an article based on the introduction lecture at the summer course. Here follows a summary:

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Åbo Underrättelser

Åbo Underrättelser 23 sept 2004Qigong Instead of Disability Pension. Jeanette Heidenberg's stress and back pain have been cured with this "meditation in motion".

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Eva och Adam

Practitioners reduce asthma medicine consumption after zhineng qigong trainingQigong turned out helpful against my asthma. Here you can read a summary from an article in Expressen's appendix "Adam and Eve". It's about Lisbeth Färlén who could reduce the asthma medicines by practicing Qigong.

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Hemmets journal: Without the training I would have collapsed

Zhineng qigong gave me energyIn "Hemmets Journal" May 31, 2007, you find an article about Elsie Helgotsson. Due to Zhineng Qigong she has taken herself through many difficult situations. Here you can read a summary from the article.

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Stockholm City: "Let short breaks make a big difference"

IT-Gong are exercises that are useful if you work a lot with a computer.May 12, 2008, the paper Stockholm City publish an article about IT-Gong. Here you can read a summary from the article.

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Zhineng Qigong training in ÅlandThe need to find a way to feel good and to be happy has increased. Qigong can be one way, says Sonja Borenius-Klintberg who teaches Qigong in Åland.

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SIF nr 19 1997

professional musicians practice Zhineng QigongMusicians in Gothenburg symphony orchestra practice Qigong to avoid stress and pressure injuries.

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Bålsta-UpplandsBro Bladet

training makes the pain disappear without taking pills when practicing Zhineng QigongFor almost 10 years there has been a Zhineng Qigong training group in Kungsängen, north east of Stockholm. Many students practice and get good results. Here you can read a summary from an article about the group in the paper "Bålsta-Upplandsbro Bladet" 27th of February 2006.

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everybody can practice Zhineng Qigong"If you attend a course it will be helpful for the rest of your life," says Ika Djuric in Växjö.

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Firsdt Zhineng Qigong course in DragsfjerdIn November 2000 the first course in Zhineng Qigong took place in Dragsfjärd. "It was not at all as complicated as I thought it would be, but still effective", one of the students said. Bellow follows a summary from the article in the Finnish newspaper Annonsbladet, November 30, 2000.

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Aftonbladet Hälsa

Positive effects on Asthma after practicing Zhineng QigongZhineng Qigong can relieve asthma. This form of training has positive effects on the body. Read a summary of the results of the Zhineng Qigong training and Katarina Schmidt's tale about how she learned to handle her asthma.

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Länstidningen Östersund

The first basic course in Zhineng Qigong in HärjedalenThe paper "Länstidningen Östersund" writes about the first Zhineng Qigong course in Härjedalen. Here you can read a summary from the article.

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Allergia 1999:2

tests at Karolinska hospital showed significant improvements in lung functions after Zhineng qigongSummary. "Allergia", the Asthma- and allergy association member paper tells about the positive effects asthma patients have got from practicing with European Zhineng Qigong Center.

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Åbo Underrättelser

pain in the neck and her migraine has disappeared by practicing Zhineng qigongIn "Åbo Underrättelser" you can for instance read about Johanna Törnroth's results from Zhineng Qigong.

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Helsingborgs Dagblad

Zhineng Qigong in Helsingborg"Chinese power gives life energy". Read a summary from Tjerstin Thorsén's article about a basic course with European Zhineng Qigong Center.

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Frisksport nr 3 1998, "Qigong"

Good teachers are hard to find in Zhineng QigongTo find a good teacher in Zhineng Qigong is difficult, says Lars Hagner. Here you can read a summery from an article in "Frisksport" number 3, 1998.

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Inside SAS, no 19

SAS personell on Summer course Zhineng QigongFive people from SAS attended the summer course in Hamburgsund in 1998. Here you can read a summary from Kerstin's story about the results she got from the training.

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Länssvalan 1998 no 2

Länssvalan no 2 1998Länssvalan no 2 1998. The County Welfare. Zhineng Qigong Improves Your Health. Read about the experience of the first Zhineng Qigong project with Asthmatics.

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Ingrid Kastman suffered a whiplash injury in a traffic accident. She tried many different things to get rid of her pain but not until she came in touch with Zhineng Qigong did she get relief from the pain. Here you can read a summary from an article about her in the paper "Ljusnan", August 13, 1999.

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