Länssvalan 1998 no 2
- Published: Friday, 25 June 2004
Länssvalan no 2 1998. The County Welfare. Zhineng Qigong Improves Your Health. Read about the experience of the first Zhineng Qigong project with Asthmatics.
Hälsingekuriren, "This is Qigong"
- Published: Saturday, 18 October 2003
This is Qigong. European Zhineng Qigong Center arranged a lecture at "Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan" in Söderhamn. Here you can read a summary from the article in Hälsingekuriren.
Amazonbladet 2003:1
- Published: Thursday, 02 October 2003
Summary of article in "Amazonbladet", the breast cancer association paper in Stockholm county. It tells about Zhineng Qigong and the positive effects the training can have on people's life quality. You can also read about Su Dongyue and his research in Zhineng Qigong.
Aftonbladet Hälsa
- Published: Tuesday, 02 October 2001
Zhineng Qigong can relieve asthma. This form of training has positive effects on the body. Read a summary of the results of the Zhineng Qigong training and Katarina Schmidt's tale about how she learned to handle her asthma.
Länssvalan 2001
- Published: Thursday, 01 March 2001
Two out of three takes less medicine after practicing Zhineng Qigong. Read more about the experiences asthmatics have done from practicing Zhineng Qigong. Here is a summary from the paper "Länssvalan".
Stockholm News
- Published: Thursday, 07 December 2000
In the winter of 2000 a training project took place in Stockholm with, for instance, participants with severe asthma and migraine. The paper Stockholms News paid attention to the project with a big article with the unusual headline "The door to the Chinese workshop". In the article there's an explanation about Qigong and what results you can get from training, for instance, a calm mind and more Qi (life energy).
- Published: Thursday, 30 November 2000
In November 2000 the first course in Zhineng Qigong took place in Dragsfjärd. "It was not at all as complicated as I thought it would be, but still effective", one of the students said. Bellow follows a summary from the article in the Finnish newspaper Annonsbladet, November 30, 2000.
- Published: Tuesday, 14 November 2000
Even though it is still unusual to practice Qigong in Lofoten people are more acceptant.
Nya Wermlands Tidningen
- Published: Monday, 06 November 2000
The reporter Robert Andersson writes about the lecture in Karlstad. Here we give a summary from the article.
- Published: Sunday, 01 October 2000
Bellow follows a summary from an article and an interview with Marie Lundberg, the chairperson of the migraine association in Stockholm County, before a project with Zhineng Qigong autumn 2000.
Östran – Movements that give you more life energy
- Published: Monday, 04 September 2000
Here you read a summary from an article in "Östran", September 4, 2000. It's about a course in Zhineng Qigong in Kristvallabrunn.
Åbo Underrättelser
- Published: Wednesday, 22 March 2000
In "Åbo Underrättelser" you can for instance read about Johanna Törnroth's results from Zhineng Qigong.
Dalslänningen, "Qigong spreading in Dalsland"
- Published: Friday, 12 November 1999
Qigong is spreading in Dalsland. Read a summary about Agneta and Per-Olov arranging the first course in Dals Långed.
Hälsa 1999:4
- Published: Friday, 10 September 1999
Summary. In "Hälsa" 1999:4 Uta Nettlich tells about her positive results from the training with European Zhineng Qigong Center.
- Published: Friday, 13 August 1999
Ingrid Kastman suffered a whiplash injury in a traffic accident. She tried many different things to get rid of her pain but not until she came in touch with Zhineng Qigong did she get relief from the pain. Here you can read a summary from an article about her in the paper "Ljusnan", August 13, 1999.
Allergia 1999:2
- Published: Tuesday, 01 June 1999
Summary. "Allergia", the Asthma- and allergy association member paper tells about the positive effects asthma patients have got from practicing with European Zhineng Qigong Center.
Må Bra 1999:2
- Published: Sunday, 30 May 1999
In the article Barbro Forsberg tells that by practicing with European Zhineng Qigong Center she has got an inner happiness that she never experienced before.
Skövde Nyheter
- Published: Wednesday, 10 March 1999
The writer shortly tells about the method's history and about the activities run by the European Zhineng Qigong Center.
Länstidningen Östersund
- Published: Monday, 01 March 1999
The paper "Länstidningen Östersund" writes about the first Zhineng Qigong course in Härjedalen. Here you can read a summary from the article.
Helsingborgs Dagblad
- Published: Sunday, 21 February 1999
"Chinese power gives life energy". Read a summary from Tjerstin Thorsén's article about a basic course with European Zhineng Qigong Center.