Hemmets journal: Without the training I would have collapsed
- Published: Thursday, 31 May 2007
In "Hemmets Journal" May 31, 2007, you find an article about Elsie Helgotsson. Due to Zhineng Qigong she has taken herself through many difficult situations. Here you can read a summary from the article.
"Relaxation for the whole body", Ljusnan
- Published: Wednesday, 28 February 2007
For the fifth consecutive year a seven day course in Qigong took place in Bollnäs. Here you can read a summary from an article in the paper Ljusnan.
Österbottniska Posten
- Published: Monday, 12 February 2007
"Give priority to yourself". Since Marina Nedergård started to practice Zhineng Qigong, two years ago, she has slowed down a lot; still she is as effective as before. Here you can read a summary of an article about her in "Österbottniska Posten".
"Listen to your body", Smålänningen
- Published: Friday, 02 February 2007
Read a summary from an interview with Elsie Helgotsson, the contact person in Ljungby.
Helsingborgs Dagblad - Health
- Published: Tuesday, 12 December 2006
Read a summary from "Helsingborgs dagblad" about the Qigong training in Helsingborg.
- Published: Thursday, 11 May 2006
The need to find a way to feel good and to be happy has increased. Qigong can be one way, says Sonja Borenius-Klintberg who teaches Qigong in Åland.
Bålsta-UpplandsBro Bladet
- Published: Monday, 27 February 2006
For almost 10 years there has been a Zhineng Qigong training group in Kungsängen, north east of Stockholm. Many students practice and get good results. Here you can read a summary from an article about the group in the paper "Bålsta-Upplandsbro Bladet" 27th of February 2006.
Må Bra december 2005, "Relief from asthma & allergy "
- Published: Saturday, 26 November 2005
Asthma and allergy released with modern Qigong training. The paper "Må Bra" has written an article about Maria Sandell. Her asthma and allergy is better due to Zhineng Qigong. Here you can read a summary.
- Published: Friday, 11 November 2005
The interest in Qigong grows in the west. Qigong is not only helpful for sick persons, it's suitable for healthy people as well. The aim is to improve health and life quality. Here you can read a summary from an article in "Borgåbladet", on November 11, 2005.
Västra Nyland "Get more Qi in life"
- Published: Tuesday, 18 October 2005
A thousands year old Chinese training art is taught in a weekend course in Karis. Here you can read a summary from an article in the paper"Västra Nyland" 18 October 2005.
Nya Åland, "Big and soft movements made them healthy "
- Published: Friday, 05 August 2005
Big and soft movements made them healthy. Here you can read a summary about the sisters Jeanette and Camilla who got very good results from practicing Qigong.
Rede nr 4 2003
- Published: Sunday, 01 May 2005
According to the practitioners of Zhineng Qigong, this traditional Chinese training method will boost your vitality, improve your health and trigger your latent abilities – both physically and mentally. No less.
Mentora, 2 2005, "Soft and lite with Qigong"
- Published: Friday, 01 April 2005
Soft and lithe with Qigong. "Svenska Studiecentralens" paper," Mentora", wrote an article about a lecture at "Studiecentralen". Here you can read a summary from the article.
Hufvudsstadsbladet, "Qigong makes the body stronger"
- Published: Monday, 21 February 2005
Qigong makes the body stronger. Read a summary from "Huvudstadsbladet" Zhineng Qigong increasing activity in Finland.
Länssvalan nr 1, 2005
- Published: Tuesday, 01 February 2005
In "Länssvalan" number 1, 2005, Christina Lindvall describes the first weekend with the Qigong project 2005. Here you can read a summary from the article.
Newsletter December 2004
- Published: Wednesday, 01 December 2004
Download our newsletter from december 2004.
Nya Åland, "Qigong helped Jeanette to get new energy"
- Published: Wednesday, 03 November 2004
Thanks to Qigong training Jeanette got new energy. Here you can read a summery about the Qigong-training in Mariehamn and the help Jeanette got against being sick listed.
Åbo Underrättelser
- Published: Thursday, 23 September 2004
Qigong Instead of Disability Pension. Jeanette Heidenberg's stress and back pain have been cured with this "meditation in motion".
LänsSvalan nr 3, 2004
- Published: Friday, 10 September 2004
"Zhineng Qigong keeps Björn healthy". Nowadays Björn Eriksson can eat food with gluten and his former problems with eczema have disappeared. Here you can read a summary from an interview with Björn for the paper "Länssvalan".
- Published: Sunday, 18 July 2004
Qigong - precision all the way to your finger tips. In the article there is an interview with Su Dongyue, Qigong master and leader of European Zhineng Qigong Center.